Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Joseph Palermo is fucking nuts

I don't make a habit of visiting left-wing hate site Huffington Post, but Hot Air linked this in their headlines, and like slowing down for a car wreck, I couldn't help myself.
...dozens of strange unmarked planes fly into small regional airports and into private landing fields inside swing districts. Highly trained professionals from an ultra-secret personnel detail tucked deep inside the Department of Homeland Security and answerable only to Dick Cheney swing into action. These federal agents, who comprise a special unit called the "Rapid Domestic Response Team" (RDRT) and comprised of many members from privatized outfits like Blackwater and Dyncorps, wearing business suits and dark glasses, with transmitters in their ears, fan out to the targeted districts and precincts with military efficiency. The agents are armed with duplicate ballot boxes stuffed with the exact number of "ballots" to win each district by a credibly narrow margin. These ballot boxes are also tailored to correspond perfectly with each county's distinct vote counting system complete with the appropriate forged signatures and documentation.
It gets worse. To be fair, Palermo labels his column a "purely fictional scenario", but one can't help but think it's more a fantasy he typed out with one hand as he masturbated feverishly with the other. I think loons like him secretly want this to happen, or at least have reason to believe it happened. Otherwise, what the hell will they do for the next four years? Seriously, think about it. Once Obama is elected and the Democrats have a super majority in Congress and the world is nothing but flowers and cuddly puppies and unicorns, what will they do? Who's going to bother with HuffPo, DailyKos, Democratic Underground and the rest of the left-wing fever swamp?

If these guys had a shred of mental stability, they'd be embarrassed.


Mark said...

You know there are no unicorns.

We of the VRWC have killed the last one, for only buckets of its blood will slake the thirst of Ba`al so that he will empower our grand soul-crunchers in time for election day.

Eric said...

You know there are no unicorns.

They'll be magically brought back to life by The One.