Sunday, October 26, 2008

A 'caveat-laden' endorsement

ABC News' Jake Tapper points out an odd endorsement by Leon Wieseltier, literary editor at The New Republic, which immediately brought to mind those focus group members I posted about a little over a week ago. Sure, they know he'll be crappy president, but they're voting for Obama anyway.
For all his articulateness, I still do not know what most moves Obama--what are the two or three grand proposals that he would put before the Congress and the country in the early months of his administration...

I must say that the Ayers affair rankles me, because I would not shake the man's dirty hand...

Obama's passionlessness spooks me...

...the grudging way Obama treats the reversal in Iraq, when he treats it at all, is disgraceful. Tyrants and génocidaires would sleep less soundly during a McCain presidency.

What a time for a novice! I dread the prospect of Obama's West Wing education in foreign policy...
So why is he voting for Barack Obama? Because he's Barack Obama, bitch!

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