Saturday, August 16, 2008

Danish intelligence service goes PC

The Danish intelligence agency PET has followed our own government's lead and is advising against the use of words like 'martyr' and 'jihad' when discussing Islamic terrorism.
PET is worried that religious terms used to describe terrorism are creating a harmful link between the public's perception of Islam and terrorism.

The document is entitled 'Language use and the fight against terror'. It recommends avoiding the use of words like martyr, jihad, fundamentalist, Islamism and mujahedeen when talking about terrorism.

Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen, PET's head of preventative security, said that adopting the language and phrases used by extremists can legitimise their actions.
Thankfully, not everyone is buying into the idea.
I'll say what I want to say, and I think PET should keep to itself when it comes to the need for political correctness in public debates,' Martin Henriksen, the Danish People's Party's integration spokesman, told Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper.

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