Sunday, February 01, 2009

Brit environut wants to limit families to two children

Warning that larger families are environmentally "irresponsible", Britain's chairman of the Sustainable Development Commission wants families to limit themselves to two kids.
COUPLES who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned.

Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. He says political leaders and green campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population.
Never mind that the replacement rate is around 2.2 live births per woman of child-bearing age, just to keep a population steady. We just can't have all these messy humans around, what with the "unbearable burden on the environment" and all.


Anonymous said...

That fact is that we will eventually have to implement population control.
Unfortunately, humans are too stupid to do anything difficult until well after it is unavoidable.
The ONLY good answer to the worlds' problems is to reduce the population to the point where we can sustain ourselves and our planet.
One day, we would/will be able to support 6 or even 20 billion people, but today we do not have that ability and we should recognize it.
This effort should start in countries where there exists sufficient social systems for the aging. We should not expect 3rd world countries to solve this problem

Eric said...

This effort should start in countries where there exists sufficient social systems for the aging. We should not expect 3rd world countries to solve this problem.

OK, that last paragraph shows you have no idea what you're talking about. The countries that do have social systems for the aging generally have fertility rates well below the replacement rate, meaning they'll have a hard time meeting their "obligations" to their ever-growing aged populations and are already reducing their populations. Conversely, those third world countries you don't expect to "solve this problem" almost all have fertility rates well above the replacement rate.

Ayrdale said...

Note that Jonathon Porrit is also ex chairman of the UK green party.Of course no mention of how he may approach the matter with immigrants to the UK, to whom large families are culturally important, the policy would presumably only apply to the sheeple he can intimidate; the aim being more social disruption and chaos, welfare dependency ad nauseam.
Green once again shows its facist totalitarian mindset...

Mark said...

And this is different from the Red Chinese policy how?

I guess the women of the UK aren't aborting babies at a sufficient rate to satisfy Gaia. Only the blood of babies can slake the goddess's thirst. Or something.

Eric said...

Apparently, Green is the new Red.