Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our friends the Russians

For the second time in four months, Norway's Aftenposten has a news item on stepped-up Russian espionage activity in Norway.
The Cold War is allegedly over, but Norway's special police unit in charge of intelligence (PST) is convinced that Russian spies are as active as ever. So active, that PST has warned Foreign Ministry officials about specific suspected spies working as Russian diplomats.

[ ... ]

The Russians are said to be especially keen on Norwegian views on possible attempts by Finland and/or Sweden to join NATO. Russia is opposed to expansion of the NATO defense alliance.
Aftenposten ran a similar story back in February.

If Russia's all puppy dogs and rainbows these days, as the Kremlin would have us believe, what's up with the neo-Soviets' preoccupation with NATO?

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