Sunday, February 24, 2008

Left-wing novelists are making me crazy

I've posted before about author Stuart Woods, whose novels I've always enjoyed but have lately been turning me off with not-so-subtle lefty preaching in his Stone Barrington series. It seems the political polarization in this country has gotten to the point that authors can't resist evangelizing their political beliefs.

In John Grisham's latest, The Appeal, the hero and heroine are a small town legal team driven to the brink of bankruptcy in pursuit of a lawsuit against an evil big corporation whose evil CEO is perverting justice by hiring a murky "consultant" to place a favorable candidate on the state supreme court where the case will be appealed. I should note here that the CEO and the corporation as described in the book are evil. But Grisham would have us believe that all corporations and chief executives would be just as evil if they could get away with it.

The candidate, a "good" conservative who's unaware of the string-pulling going on in the background to get him elected, has the following thoughts while being probed by the puppeteers on his political beliefs:
Abortion? Opposed. All abortions? Opposed.
Death penalty? Very much in favor.
No one seemed to grasp the contradiction between the two.
This simple-minded pro-abortion argument is put forth by Grisham as if executing murderers and killing unborn babies are one and the same.

Hey, Grisham...of what crimes have unborn fetuses been convicted? Wanker.


Anonymous said...

You think that book is bad? Have you heard about The Shell Game by Steve Alten?
Here's what Publishers Weekly had to say:
"Even die-hard conspiracy theorists will be dubious about the sinister government-led plots that form the shaky foundation of this political thriller. Alten, best-known for his gory novels featuring giant prehistoric sharks (Meg; The Trench), goes well beyond the already far-fetched idea that the Bush administration let the devastating 9/11 attacks happen to further the neoconservative agenda of reshaping the Middle East. In 2012, with centrist conservative David McKuin in the White House, the federal government plots to detonate a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city and blame Iran as a cover to take out that country's radical leadership. Standing in the plotters' way is Ace Futrell, an energy expert whose murdered wife was possibly targeted by U.S. intelligence. An awkward mix of actual and fictional political figures (Hillary Clinton is still in the Senate in 2012, having lost the 2008 election to McKuin) doesn't make this paranoid and superficial book more plausible."


Eric said...

Who knew the truthers had a book club?

Anonymous said...

Well, you know, Oprah made book clubs cool!