The RIAA's own Web site is more conciliatory, but implies that the organization reserves the right to go after music "rippers" should it change its mind.The avarice of the RIAA knows no bounds, and its attorneys will be responsible for the death of the industry they claim to represent.
"If you make unauthorized copies of copyrighted music recordings ... you could be held legally liable for thousands of dollars in damages," it plainly states before adding that "transferring a copy onto your computer hard drive or your portable music player won't usually raise concerns so long as the copy is made from an authorized original CD that you legitimately own [or] the copy is just for your personal use."
[ ... ]
Copying a song you've paid for in CD form is "a nice way of saying 'steals just one copy,'" Sony BMG top lawyer Jennifer Pariser testified during cross-examination in the Jammie Thomas case in early October.
Monday, December 31, 2007
The RIAA must be stopped
This should raise the hackles on the back of anyone who owns an iPod or any other MP3 player. A recording industry attorney is taking the position that one can be sued by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for the simple act of ripping an MP3 file from a CD one has purchased and copying it to a player or computer.
Martians have one month to evacuate Mars
The odds of a football field-sized asteroid of hitting Mars on January 30th has just been raised to 1 in 25.
The space rock, known as the nondescript 2007 WD5, was discovered in late November by the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona.I expect Dennis Kucinich to announce plans any day now for how we're going to deal with all those Martian refugees.
Based on the latest information available, scientists said last week there was a 1-in-75 chance the asteroid could hit Mars on Jan. 30.
The odds were increased to 1-in-25 this week after a Ph.D. student pored through the archives and plotted the asteroid's motions before its official discovery.
Fred's video message
This video from Fred Thompson to Iowa voters is Fred at his best. He lays out a convincing case for his candidacy, and if enough Iowa voters see it, I think he has a chance to at least make a good showing at the caucuses. At 17 minutes, it's long-ish, but worth the time.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Who's afraid of the big, bad Fox News Channel?

A persistent belief of the loony left is that News Corp. and their subsidiary Fox News is a shill for the Republican party. Just a couple of weeks ago, after a chemical explosion in the New York building housing News Corp. and Fox News Channel, the left spewed their hatred in comments on lefty blogs like Huffington Post and Democratic Underground wishing horrible death and destruction on Fox News and its broadcasters:
- Who among us would have wept if Fox News HQ had been blown up? I can honestly say I wouldn't've.
- oh yea good idea.... ****DIRTY BOMB, ...Let us Pray
- what a nice christmas present, i guess the whole sleazy enterprise going up in smoke would have been too much of a gift. well, it's a start
- False flag! They probably did it themselves to generate news to them in a sympathetic light. I wonder who Michelle Malkin will want to round up into internment camps for this...
- Reichstag fire, anyone?
- Too bad the entire building wasn't taken out.
- US *always* needs to be on the lookout for false flag operations. First thing to consider is who would benefit from such an attack. What agenda would be facilitatd [sic] by such actions?
- Rupert. Free advertising.
- The nicest things happen to the nicest people!
- I hope Hannity and BillO were severely harmed
- Burnt to a crisp would be ideal!
- I think this may be something trumped up, and they WILL blame Democrats on it.
Of the 18 donations recorded through October of this year, 16 went to Democratic candidates, with 14 of them going to Hillary Clinton, and one each to Barack Obama and Chris Dodd. John McCain and Fred Thompson were the sole GOP beneficiaries of News Corp. donors' largess, each with a single donation.
And the donations didn't come from low-level peons at News Corp, either. Peter Chernin is News Corp President and Chief Operating Officer, and the "K. R. Murdoch" you see in the graphic above (click image for full-size if you're having trouble reading it) is Keith Rupert Murdoch, long the target of know-nothing lefties.
Another liberal myth blown all to hell.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Bizarre news item of the day

A Maryland girl who thought she was getting an iPod for Christmas found instead a moonbat, anti-capitalism rant in the box.
A little girl thought she was getting an iPod for Christmas but ended up getting a rude surprise. She got the box but when she opened it up, she found a surprising switch: the iPod had been replaced with a bizarre note.The note, according to the picture, goes on to say "To claim your capitalistic garbage go to your nearest Apple store".
The note reads in part "Reclaim your mind from the media shackles."
Jay Ellis, the girls father, returned the ipod to the Germantown, Md. Wal-Mart store where he purchased it. The store manger told him that another customer returned an iPod with a similar issue.
Give 'til it hurts

It's really easy...just click that picture of Fred to get to the web site, and give 'til it hurts. Fred's campaign needs to raise nearly $250,000 by 6PM today to air a campaign ad state-wide in Iowa for the January 3 caucuses. Do it...I just gave $100 so that my money's where my mouth is.
Baby doesn't really need that new pair of shoes, anyway. If you don't do it, it means you hate kids. And puppies.
Gadget review: Zoom H2 digital recorder

The H2 contains four directional microphones; two front and two rear. The front mics are at 90 degree angles to each other while the rear ones are at 120 degrees. This allows the user to select the best microphone arrangement for the situation; front pair for recording a solo performer or back pair to record a band. Alternatively, all mics can be selected to record, say, a band practice with parts of the band on either side of the device, or a conference with speakers seated around a table.
The H2 comes equipped with everything you might need to start using it right away:
- A screw-on stand for setting it on a flat surface
- A screw-on mic stand adapter for fixing it to a microphone stand
- A decent pair of bud-style earphones
- AC adapter
- Line-in cord
- USB cable
- Foam wind screen
- Carrying pouch
The day after I got it, my wife and I caught a band at one of the local bars. I sat the H2 on the table and set it to record from the rear mics. I recorded each set as a separate hour-long MP3 file. Recording at 192kbs, I found I had enough space on a 2GB SD card for right around 24 hours of recording. Pretty impressive. Listening to the recording later on, I was very impressed with the sound quality.
One of the things that's vexed me for a while has been how to record MP3 files from my collection of LP records. It was my wife that came up with the brilliant idea of plugging a turntable directly into the line-in jack of the H2 and seeing how that worked out. I wasn't completely sure how it would go with the unamplified signal from the turntable, but no worries...the sound was perfect and faithfully captured by the H2.
There are, of course, other things the H2 can do, such as recording 4.1 channel "surrond sound", capturing audio directly to your computer over the USB interface, and so on, but you'll have to follow the link above to get more info. I haven't gotten a chance yet to try all the cool features. The picture below gives a bit more detail on the bells and whistles (click for full-size view):

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bhutto assassination: Whodunnit?
The talk in the media and on the blogs now about Benazir Bhutto's assassination is centering around who the responsible parties are. While rational people are pointing the finger at al Qaeda (or possibly al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan's ISI), idiots like Ron Paul and the barking moonbats on the left point to Pervez Musharraf and, by extension, the Bush administration.
Earlier this month, I posted this item about Bhutto's willingness to invite US and other NATO forces into the tribal areas to clean house if Pakistan couldn't exert control. That alone is enough for AQ and Taliban elements to want her dead.
Musharraf: Little to gain and everything to lose with Bhutto's death.
AQ: Everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Earlier this month, I posted this item about Bhutto's willingness to invite US and other NATO forces into the tribal areas to clean house if Pakistan couldn't exert control. That alone is enough for AQ and Taliban elements to want her dead.
Musharraf: Little to gain and everything to lose with Bhutto's death.
AQ: Everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Benazir Bhutto injured in bombing
Fox News is reporting that Benazir Bhutto has been "seriously" injured in a bombing attack at a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and is presently in surgery.
Bhutto, a former prime minister of Pakistan, has been accused of corruption during her administration, but my guess is this is most likely the work of Islamist extremists who don't like her idea of moderate Islam and a secular government.
In any event, this kind of instability in a nuclear-armed country with more than its share of Islamist freakazoids chomping at the bit to take control of the country is more than a little disquieting.
Update: Holy crap...she's dead.
Update: Reports now that she was shot as her vehicle was racing away from the scene of the bombing.
Update: The word now is she was shot as she was entering her vehicle after the rally, then the gunman blew himself up.
Update: One possible result of this atrocity I see is Musharraf doubling down and inviting US and other forces in to clean out the tribal areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. We'll see.
Bhutto, a former prime minister of Pakistan, has been accused of corruption during her administration, but my guess is this is most likely the work of Islamist extremists who don't like her idea of moderate Islam and a secular government.
In any event, this kind of instability in a nuclear-armed country with more than its share of Islamist freakazoids chomping at the bit to take control of the country is more than a little disquieting.
Update: Holy crap...she's dead.
Update: Reports now that she was shot as her vehicle was racing away from the scene of the bombing.
Update: The word now is she was shot as she was entering her vehicle after the rally, then the gunman blew himself up.
Update: One possible result of this atrocity I see is Musharraf doubling down and inviting US and other forces in to clean out the tribal areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. We'll see.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Russia trying to get back into America's good graces
In what some are considering an attempt to curry favor with the US, Russia is supplying Iran with air defense systems to ward off a possible aerial attack against Iranian nuclear facilities.
Russia has scored big points in the past with Israel and the US by providing air defense systems to Syria.
Russia has scored big points in the past with Israel and the US by providing air defense systems to Syria.
30 minutes with CNN Headline News
iPhone? We don't need no stinkin' iPhone!
Since one notable blogger received his long-awaited iPhone for Christmas, and I'm sure many other people did as well, I thought I'd post something about an alternative to Apple's overpriced, under performing (but highly attractive) piece of crap.
I've had a Samsung Blackjack "Smartphone" for about nine or ten months, and aside from a few minor annoyances, it's an awesome phone. In the interests of objectivity, let's get the minor annoyances out of the way first.
First among them is the SMS/MMS's truly a piece of crap. The client that comes on the Palm Treo running the Palm OS is one to be emulated by all. Before the Blackjack, I had a Palm Treo 650, from which I could easily and painlessly post to this blog by sending an SMS message (or MMS with pictures) to go-at-blogger dot com. Not so with the Blackjack. It simply won't let me send MMS messages to an e-mail address, although I can send SMS to one. Further, the Treo's client stored text message conversations by sender/recipient making it easy to carry on text conversations with multiple people.
Next is the keyboard. I had hopes that the Blackjack's keyboard would be a great leap forward from that of the Treo, but that wasn't the case.
The last minor nuisance is the lack of a standard audio jack. Samsung makes headsets that fit into the proprietary USB/power port, but that's just annoying. Of course, being a Bluetooth-capable device, one generally would use a Bluetooth headset for the phone anyway, but what about listening to music? Since the Blackjack runs Windows Mobile, it includes Windows Media Player. Fortunately, Jabra makes a stereo Bluetooth headset which can also be used for phone conversations. In fact, the Jabra BT620s (which I got for Christmas) will automatically pause music playback when a call comes in, then resume once you hang up.
The shortcomings of the iPhone are much more serious:
While the screen on the Blackjack is nowhere near the enviable size of the iPhone's, it's large enough. There's nothing one can do on the iPhone that can't be done with the Blackjack, and the Blackjack can do more. For example, if I find myself in an area with no wired or wireless Interent access, my Blackjack can double as a broadband cellular modem. When I'm in an area with 3G coverage, which is most urban areas these days, the performance is great. But even with EDGE-only coverage, the performance is more than adequate.
And being a Windows Mobile device, I can get third party software for it just about anywhere...I'm not beholden to Apple to provide me what I need.
iPhone? Feh.
I've had a Samsung Blackjack "Smartphone" for about nine or ten months, and aside from a few minor annoyances, it's an awesome phone. In the interests of objectivity, let's get the minor annoyances out of the way first.
First among them is the SMS/MMS's truly a piece of crap. The client that comes on the Palm Treo running the Palm OS is one to be emulated by all. Before the Blackjack, I had a Palm Treo 650, from which I could easily and painlessly post to this blog by sending an SMS message (or MMS with pictures) to go-at-blogger dot com. Not so with the Blackjack. It simply won't let me send MMS messages to an e-mail address, although I can send SMS to one. Further, the Treo's client stored text message conversations by sender/recipient making it easy to carry on text conversations with multiple people.
Next is the keyboard. I had hopes that the Blackjack's keyboard would be a great leap forward from that of the Treo, but that wasn't the case.
The last minor nuisance is the lack of a standard audio jack. Samsung makes headsets that fit into the proprietary USB/power port, but that's just annoying. Of course, being a Bluetooth-capable device, one generally would use a Bluetooth headset for the phone anyway, but what about listening to music? Since the Blackjack runs Windows Mobile, it includes Windows Media Player. Fortunately, Jabra makes a stereo Bluetooth headset which can also be used for phone conversations. In fact, the Jabra BT620s (which I got for Christmas) will automatically pause music playback when a call comes in, then resume once you hang up.
The shortcomings of the iPhone are much more serious:
- It's not a "3G" cell phone. This limits data throughput speed for applications like e-mail and web browsing. The built-in Wi-Fi does little to make up for this, unless you're in a free Wi-Fi "hotspot" or on your own wireless network at home.
- Outrageous price. At four or five hundred bucks, it's simply not worth the cost.
- Non-removable battery. When the battery starts getting tired and will no longer hold a charge, you've got to send the entire unit in for service. What's up with that?
- No memory card slot. Who's the genius at Apple who made that design decision?
- No real keyboard. You get a virtual "floating keyboard" on the touch-screen.
While the screen on the Blackjack is nowhere near the enviable size of the iPhone's, it's large enough. There's nothing one can do on the iPhone that can't be done with the Blackjack, and the Blackjack can do more. For example, if I find myself in an area with no wired or wireless Interent access, my Blackjack can double as a broadband cellular modem. When I'm in an area with 3G coverage, which is most urban areas these days, the performance is great. But even with EDGE-only coverage, the performance is more than adequate.
And being a Windows Mobile device, I can get third party software for it just about anywhere...I'm not beholden to Apple to provide me what I need.
iPhone? Feh.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Dense Pak
I caught the link at Hot Air headlines to this NYT article about the totally un-shocking news that billions of dollars in US counter-terrorism aid to Pakistan is being wasted. What brought me up short was this picture and the accompanying caption:
Breaking: Was Ebenezer Scrooge a Dutchman?
In a shocking exposé, The Telegraph reports that Ebenezer Scrooge, the villain-turned-hero of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, may have actually been a Dutch gravedigger by the name of Gabriel de Graaf.
According to Sjef de Jong, a Dutch academic, the Charles Dickens character may have been inspired by the real life of Gabriel de Graaf, a 19th century gravedigger who lived in Holland.
De Graaf, a drunken curmudgeon obsessed with money, was said to have disappeared one Christmas Eve, only to emerge years later as a reformed character.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Fredericksburg music scene - lazy post 2 of 2
As much as a I rant about national politics and world affairs, it occurs to me that I never post anything about local stuff.
Fredericksburg, Virginia is a great little town steeped in American history. It's the childhood home of George Washington, and the site of numerous US Civil War battles. The historic downtown area is loaded with shops, restaurants and cafes and rivals old towns like it in Europe. But what I like most about Fredericksburg is the music.
For a town of its size (population around 20,000), Fredericksburg is just loaded with musical talent. By that I don't mean a bunch of kids abusing musical instruments, but real musical talent. The locus for that talent seems to be a music shop in town called Picker's Supply, where my own son takes bass guitar and piano lessons. They've got a stable of music instructors there that would be the envy of any major city.
A favorite venue for local musicians is the Colonial Tavern, where there's live music just about every Friday and Saturday night, as well as an open mic night on Monday nights. We've seen countless bands and solo performers there, and our own boys have played there on Monday nights. Just last night, my wife and I caught a great blues/rock band at the Tavern called "Mojo Hand". Awesome stuff, and I'm not even a big blues fan.
If you live in the area, don't miss the music at Colonial won't be sorry.
Fredericksburg, Virginia is a great little town steeped in American history. It's the childhood home of George Washington, and the site of numerous US Civil War battles. The historic downtown area is loaded with shops, restaurants and cafes and rivals old towns like it in Europe. But what I like most about Fredericksburg is the music.
For a town of its size (population around 20,000), Fredericksburg is just loaded with musical talent. By that I don't mean a bunch of kids abusing musical instruments, but real musical talent. The locus for that talent seems to be a music shop in town called Picker's Supply, where my own son takes bass guitar and piano lessons. They've got a stable of music instructors there that would be the envy of any major city.
A favorite venue for local musicians is the Colonial Tavern, where there's live music just about every Friday and Saturday night, as well as an open mic night on Monday nights. We've seen countless bands and solo performers there, and our own boys have played there on Monday nights. Just last night, my wife and I caught a great blues/rock band at the Tavern called "Mojo Hand". Awesome stuff, and I'm not even a big blues fan.
If you live in the area, don't miss the music at Colonial won't be sorry.
Spamalot - lazy post 1 of 2
I've disengaged my brain for Christmas, and I just don't feel much like wading through the usual muck to post anything of substance.
I went to Spamalot at the National Theatre in DC the other night with some friends and colleagues. It's "lovingly ripped off" from the film Monthy Python And The Holy Grail. Basically, a musical stage version of Holy Grail.
I'm not a real theater goer, but a friend had gotten his hands on a block of tickets, so we all went to dinner then headed over to catch the show. I've always liked Monty Python, but was never a fanatic like a few people I know. Still, the show was great fun, and had me chuckling throughout.
I wasn't sure how I'd like Holy Grail made into a musical, but if anything, the musical numbers somehow made it even funnier.
If you ever get a chance to catch it, don't miss out.
I went to Spamalot at the National Theatre in DC the other night with some friends and colleagues. It's "lovingly ripped off" from the film Monthy Python And The Holy Grail. Basically, a musical stage version of Holy Grail.
I'm not a real theater goer, but a friend had gotten his hands on a block of tickets, so we all went to dinner then headed over to catch the show. I've always liked Monty Python, but was never a fanatic like a few people I know. Still, the show was great fun, and had me chuckling throughout.
I wasn't sure how I'd like Holy Grail made into a musical, but if anything, the musical numbers somehow made it even funnier.
If you ever get a chance to catch it, don't miss out.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Are media old and new out to get Fred Thompson?
Fred Thompson can't seem to catch a break in the media coverage of his campaign. When they're not ignoring him completely, the coverage is usually derisive, dismissive or both. A case in point was an article entitled Fred Thompson: Lazy as charged that appeared on a few days ago. Even if every word in the article by Roger Simon were accurate, the entire tone of it reveals a bias against Fred that can't be denied. To make matters worse, though, it seems the events described by Simon don't quite line up with the facts.
Simon's article depicts an awkward exchange between Fred and Waverly, IA fire chief Dan McKenzie which, according to Simon, went something like this:
Simon's article depicts an awkward exchange between Fred and Waverly, IA fire chief Dan McKenzie which, according to Simon, went something like this:
...Thompson rode four blocks to the local fire station. Local fire stations always have captive audiences (unless there is a fire).At Pajamas Media, Bob Owens goes to an eye witness -- Chief McKenzie himself -- to find out what actually transpired.
Inside, Thompson shook a few hands — there were only about 15 people there — and then Chief Dan McKenzie handed Thompson the chief’s fire hat so Thompson could put it on.
Thompson looked at it with a sour expression on his face.
“I’ve got a silly hat rule,” Thompson said.
In point of fact, the “silly” hat was the one Chief McKenzie wore to fires and I am guessing none of the firefighters in attendance considered it particularly silly, but Thompson was not going to put it on. He just stood there holding it and staring at it.
To save the moment, Jeri Thompson took the hat from her husband’s hands and put it on her head.
Unlike Simon’s characterization of a “sour” Thompson, McKenzie recalled that the firefighters were joking with the Thompsons during the visit, which corroborates the CBS News video that captured part of the event. He stated further than any attempt to portray the event as Simon described was the work of “someone who had their own agenda.”There's more in the Owens piece at PJ Media, including the odd behavior of Anelia Dimitrova, the Waverly newspaper editor who had plenty to say in Simon's hit piece, but clammed up on Owens.
Unprompted, McKenzie stated that he was well aware of the dangers of politicians wearing hats, and he and his fellow firefighters understood why Thompson declined to wear the helmet. He also stated that he understood that someone might want to make an issue of Thompson wearing his helmet, and that it seemed that when Thompson declined, “someone decided to make an issue out of it anyway.”
Friday, December 21, 2007
Top 10 good things about a Democrat winning in 2008
I resigned myself many months ago to the belief that a Democrat will win the presidential election next year. Yes, we can look forward to at least four years of Democrats controlling both the legislative and executive branches. That's one of the reasons I support Fred Thompson...besides his common sense position on the issues, I firmly believe he's the one guy who can beat a Democrat in the general election. But his hopes for winning the GOP nomination look dim.
So I think it's time to try and look on the bright side and see what good might come out of this. It wasn't easy, but here's what I came up with:
So I think it's time to try and look on the bright side and see what good might come out of this. It wasn't easy, but here's what I came up with:
- Abrupt withdrawal from Iraq results in chaos in the Persian Gulf region, which leads to $300/barrel oil. Global warming grinds to a halt, and Al Gore finally shuts the hell up.
- Unemployment skyrockets to 15%, resulting in increased affordable entertainment by street corner musicians.
- With mortgage interest rates at 18%, home and commercial construction industry collapses, halting urban sprawl.
- Stock markets collapse, giving day traders more time to spend with their families.
- Universal health care turns medical doctors into every day, 9-5 blue-collar workers. Take that, you uppity thoracic surgeon bitch!
- Universal pre-K provides employment for tens of thousands of crack-dependent victims of society.
- Repeal of second amendment disarms the populace, ensuring only criminals serious about their craft are armed.
- Rise of nuclear-armed global Islamic caliphate allows us to stop worrying about Russia. And China.
- Illegal immigration problem is reversed by US citizens sneaking into Mexico for work.
- Righty bloggers finally get to be the ones "speaking truth to power".
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The not-so-secret secret about Ron Paul
There's a curious strategy in election primaries in that if you have dirt on a candidate from the opposition party, it's best to hold it. It does you no good to let the cat out of the bag during the primary season and wind up prematurely eliminating a potentially vulnerable candidate from the running. Instead, you continue to hold the information closely until after the guy is nominated. Only then do you release it -- noisily -- in the hopes that it'll be enough to torpedo the guy in the general election, thus ensuring sweet victory for your party.
This is just what's in play right now with Ron Paul. Ron Paul has accepted money from StormFront, a known racist white supremacist group, has posed for a picture with the leader of said group, and yet there's been next to nothing in the news about it. Sure...if you search on Yahoo or Google, you'll turn up an article or two about it. But one would think that when a man with aspirations to become President of the United States has friends like this it would be splashed all over the front pages of the various news outlets. But no, the Democrats and their media fan club don't want to let the cat out of the bag just yet. Better to see if he gets the Republican nod and only then unleash the hounds.
What mystifies me is why the other Republican candidates haven't been bringing this up. Ron Paul may not be polling all that well (except in meaningless Internet polls which his brain-dead supporters can swarm), but he's taking in an awful lot of money which might go to more worthy candidates.
This is just what's in play right now with Ron Paul. Ron Paul has accepted money from StormFront, a known racist white supremacist group, has posed for a picture with the leader of said group, and yet there's been next to nothing in the news about it. Sure...if you search on Yahoo or Google, you'll turn up an article or two about it. But one would think that when a man with aspirations to become President of the United States has friends like this it would be splashed all over the front pages of the various news outlets. But no, the Democrats and their media fan club don't want to let the cat out of the bag just yet. Better to see if he gets the Republican nod and only then unleash the hounds.
What mystifies me is why the other Republican candidates haven't been bringing this up. Ron Paul may not be polling all that well (except in meaningless Internet polls which his brain-dead supporters can swarm), but he's taking in an awful lot of money which might go to more worthy candidates.
Danish museum gives Islamist freakazoids two years to build up outrage
The Danish media museum in Odense, Denmark is preparing an exhibit in the fall of 2009 which will put on display the now-infamous Mohammed cartoons that triggered an uproar in early 2006. Along with the cartoons, reproductions of news items about the cartoons will be on display. The display is part of an exhibit on the subject of free speech.
This gives the Muslim world nearly two years to prepare for heart-felt, spontaneous outrage.
This gives the Muslim world nearly two years to prepare for heart-felt, spontaneous outrage.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Teach your children well
So, I was driving with my 18-year-old son today, and we pulled up at a traffic light behind a car with its rear-end so plastered with bumper stickers, I couldn't tell what kind of car it was. After a few seconds, my son asked "What is it with liberals and bumper stickers?".
I explained to him that true liberals have to embrace not just three or four liberal ideals and myths, but every stinkin', fetid one of them. That requires a lot of bumper stickers.
I explained to him that true liberals have to embrace not just three or four liberal ideals and myths, but every stinkin', fetid one of them. That requires a lot of bumper stickers.
Driving a stake through the heart of global warming hysteria
Via Hot Air headlines, a new peer-reviewed study shows that "warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence".
The closing paragraph in the CFP article:
Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that observed patterns of temperature changes (‘fingerprints’) over the last thirty years are not in accord with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability. Therefore, climate change is ‘unstoppable’ and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.Of course, the UN's IPCC work is science by consensus, which isn't really science, it's just politics. There are many scientists whose names were on the IPCC report who demanded their names be removed because they disagreed with the panel's findings.
These results are in conflict with the conclusions of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and also with some recent research publications based on essentially the same data. However, they are supported by the results of the US-sponsored Climate Change Science Program (CCSP).
The closing paragraph in the CFP article:
Co-author S. Fred Singer said: “The current warming trend is simply part of a natural cycle of climate warming and cooling that has been seen in ice cores, deep-sea sediments, stalagmites, etc., and published in hundreds of papers in peer-reviewed journals. The mechanism for producing such cyclical climate changes is still under discussion; but they are most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on the earth’s atmosphere. In turn, such cosmic rays are believed to influence cloudiness and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface and thus the climate.” Our research demonstrates that the ongoing rise of atmospheric CO2 has only a minor influence on climate change. We must conclude, therefore, that attempts to control CO2 emissions are ineffective and pointless. – but very costly.
Time's Person of the Year: Vladimir Putin

Time Magazine has named Russian president Vladimir Putin Person of the Year. Not for being the evil, neo-Soviet commie bastard that he is, but for this:
The 2007 honor went to the Russian leader because of Putin's "extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability," said Richard Stengel, Time's managing editor.I guess by "stability" they mean "tightening his iron grip of tyranny and crushing dissent".
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
BBC Radio 1 declares 20 year old Christmas song offensive
My favorite contemporary Christmas song is the Pogues' Fairytale of New York. Originally released in 1987, it's about an Irish immigrant couple in New York City who, not quite reaching their aspirations, fall to alcoholism and drug addiction. I doesn't sound very "Christmas-y", but the song ends on a hopeful note, and Christmas is all about hope, right?
The song includes the following lines:
At no point does BBC cite any specific complaints, but that's irrelevant to the PC Police. It's their job to tell you what's offensive.
The song includes the following lines:
You're a bum, you're a punk / You're an old slut on junk, lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed.So, after 20 years, BBC Radio One has decided that some would find the words faggot and slut offensive, and have decided to bleep the words out.
You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot, Happy Christmas your arse, I pray God it's our last.
At no point does BBC cite any specific complaints, but that's irrelevant to the PC Police. It's their job to tell you what's offensive.
Ron Paul: Unfrozen comedic candidate?

The more I see of Ron Paul the more I'm struck by how familiar he looks, but I could never put my finger on it. This morning it finally hit me.
Comedian Pat Paulsen "ran" for President in nearly every Presidential election between 1968 and 1996. He died in 1997. Well, supposedly died.
Pat "died" in April of 1997. Is it just a coincidence that's the same year that Ron Paul returned to Congress after a 12-year break?
Pat "died" in Tijuana, convenient. How much does a back-alley death certificate cost in Tijuana?
Then, of course, there's the name tie-in.
But, hey...I'm not saying anything, I'm just asking questions.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Kyoto accord nothing but window dressing
Aftenposten of Norway reports that, despite signing the Kyoto accord, Norway's carbon emissions have increased a staggering 80% between 1990 and 2004.
And American Thinker has an article proving that other Kyoto signatories aren't faring much better.
Hat tip: Roger Fraley at XDA for the American Thinker piece.
And American Thinker has an article proving that other Kyoto signatories aren't faring much better.
One would think that countries that committed to the Kyoto treaty are doing a better job of curtailing carbon emissions. One would also think that the United States, the only country that does not even intend to ratify, keeps on emitting carbon dioxide at growth levels much higher than those who signed.Here's just how wrong:
And one would be wrong.
- Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%.
- Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1%.
- Emissions from non-signers increased 10.0%.
- Emissions from the U.S. increased 6.6%.
Hat tip: Roger Fraley at XDA for the American Thinker piece.
Savor it: Lieberman endorses McCain

The Dembots will publicly dismiss the news that Joe Lieberman is endorsing John McCain for President, saying he's really not "one of them" anyway. But it's still got to rankle them that he couldn't find it in his conscience to endorse one of their own. Even though Mr. Lieberman is an independent, he still caucuses with the Democrats.
I'd have preferred it if Mr. Lieberman backed Fred, but I'll take my Schadenfreude where I can get it.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fox News Channel shilling for Huckabee
I was just watching Fox News Channel, and they had Mike Huckabee on in a "news" segment that was more like a three minute stump speech by the Huckster. Now admittedly, I don't watch FNC 24 hours a day, but I don't recall any other candidate from either party getting such free campaign air time there.
What is it about Huckabee that FNC loves so?
What is it about Huckabee that FNC loves so?
Britain's handover of Basra a tad premature
As British PM Gordon Brown declares victory and hands over control of the port city of Basra to the Iraqis, Shiite militias there are murdering women deemed "un-Islamic" and importing arms from Iran.
Update: I missed a companion article in the Times that provides a good analysis of how and why Britain got it wrong in southern Iraq. The opening paragraph hits it on the head:
There have been 48 women killed in six months for “un-Islamic behaviour”. The murders in the teeming southern port of Basra have highlighted the weakness of the security forces and the strength of Islamic militias as Britain prepares to hand over control to Iraqi officials today.And when the thugs aren't killing women, they're receiving a flood of arms from Iran.
However, Major-General Jalil Khalaf, the police chief, said the city’s 28 militias were better armed than his men. “They control the ports which earns them huge sums of money” he said.But in the meantime, Brown says all is well in Basra.
As well as skimming profits from oil exports, they were importing weapons from Iran.
“You could smuggle a tank across that border if you wanted to,” he added.
Gordon Brown told the Commons last week that Iraq was now a democracy, that violence in Basra had fallen by 90% and that the Iraqis were “taking control over their own security”.I guess if by "taking control over their own security" he means "running an organized crime syndicate", you can't say he's wrong.
Update: I missed a companion article in the Times that provides a good analysis of how and why Britain got it wrong in southern Iraq. The opening paragraph hits it on the head:
The British difficulties in southern Iraq resulted largely from the classic error of allowing political pressure at home to shape operations.The rest of the article is full of good analysis, but that one sentence says it all. The British army is immensely capable, but no military operation can succeed without political will at home.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Mullah Krekar issues veiled threat to Norway
Mullah Krekar, the Ansar al-Islam leader facing possible deportation from Norway, issued a veiled threat to his hosts in a letter published in Aftenposten. After the usual lunatic raving about the US stealing Iraq's oil, he suggests that his continued presence in Norway may be to Norway's benefit:
Krekar argued that he may be insurance against a possible terrorist attack on Norway, rather than a threat. He claimed an "inner feeling" about the way Islamist groups think today despite "no longer having physical links" to them, and said that many immigrants expected an attack in Oslo after Madrid and London. "My presence and my case were possibly the reasons the terrorist action did not take place," Krekar wrote.In other words, "I'd hate to see you deport me and have something bad happen to this nice country of yours."
Choosing a horse: Fred Thompson
It's been a pretty hectic week work-wise, as evidenced by the lack of recent posts. But just because I haven't been writing that doesn't mean I haven't been reading.
After much deliberation, I've decided to throw my support to Fred Thompson for President. His ineffective campaigning aside, his stance on the issues line up closer to my own than any other candidate. There's much I like about Giuliani, Romney, and McCain, but Thompson's 'the one'. His positions on national security and the "long war", immigration, tax reform, energy policy, and health care are sensible and realistic.
Fred's trailing well behind in the polls right now, and I don't much like his chances of turning things around before the early primaries starting in January, but I'm not going to support Mike Huckabee just because he's on a roll.
After much deliberation, I've decided to throw my support to Fred Thompson for President. His ineffective campaigning aside, his stance on the issues line up closer to my own than any other candidate. There's much I like about Giuliani, Romney, and McCain, but Thompson's 'the one'. His positions on national security and the "long war", immigration, tax reform, energy policy, and health care are sensible and realistic.
Fred's trailing well behind in the polls right now, and I don't much like his chances of turning things around before the early primaries starting in January, but I'm not going to support Mike Huckabee just because he's on a roll.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Nobel laureate: Y-chromosome biggest threat to humanity
While Al Gore receives his Nobel prize today for little more than gracing the human race with his divine existence, another Nobel laureate will be honored in spite of his actual contribution to science. But Oliver Smithies has other credentials that appeal to the Nobel prize committee: he believes men (not Mankind) are the biggest threat to humanity.
You made it pretty clear in a press conference what you think is posing the biggest threat to human kind. What is that?
The y-chromosome. Some boys are more aggressive. We associate war and violence with that. I believe we need to teach our boys not to solve their problems by fighting.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
When is moderate Islam not?
I posted the other day an entry about the British-born daughter of an imam in the UK whose life is being threatened by her family over her decision to leave Islam for Christianity. This wasn't an isolated incident, and it seems the problem is more widespread in Britain than one might like to think.
The combination of these three makes for a "perfect storm" in which a minority feels emboldened and entitled to do as they see fit, while the majority frets over what to do about it.
Sofia Allam simply could not believe it. Her kind, loving father was sitting in front of her threatening to kill her. He said she had brought shame and humiliation on him, that she was now "worse than the muck on their shoes" and she deserved to die.The lengthy article probes the trend a bit deeper than others like it, and points out the British authorities' shameful treatment of the problem as well as the fact that the problem isn't limited to extremists. But it shies away from any theories as to its causes.
And what had brought on his transformation? He had discovered that she had left the Muslim faith in which he had raised her and become a Christian.
[ ... ]
"My mother's transformation was even worse. She constantly beat me about the head. She screamed at me all the time. I remember saying to them, as they were shouting death threats, 'Mum, Dad - you're saying you should kill me… but I'm your daughter! Don't you realise that?'?"
They did not: they insisted they wanted her out of their house.
Religious persecution of the kind Sofia suffers, however, is increasingly common in Britain today. It is hard to get an accurate notion of the scale of the problem, not least because very few of the people who leave Islam are willing to complain to the police about the way they are treated.Finally, hidden among the quotations gathered from "moderate" Muslim leaders in Britain, is the fact that while those spokespersons denounce the practice in Britain, they refuse to denounce the practice itself:
"Intimidation is very widespread and pretty effective," says Maryam Namazie, a spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. She believes that many of the deaths classified as "honour killings" are actually murders of people who have renounced Islam.
"I get threatened all the time: emails, letters, phone calls," she says. "When I returned home this afternoon, for example, there was a death threat waiting for me on my answering machine…" She laughs nervously.
"A lot of them aren't serious, but occasionally they are. I went to the police about one set of threats. They took a statement from me but that was it - they never contacted me again."
That treatment is in sharp contrast to the seriousness with which the Dutch and German police responded when members of the Council of Ex-Muslims in those countries made complaints to the police about death threats.
[ ... ]
But it is not only extreme Muslim families that believe it is their religious duty to threaten, and even kill, members who renounce the religion.
"My father could not be described as an extremist," insists Sofia, who is now 31. "We read the Koran and prayed regularly together, but he never insisted on my wearing Islamic dress and he was quite happy that I went to the local comprehensive, which was all girls, but not by any means dominated by Muslims."
Ibrahim Mogra, of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), says that it is "absolutely disgraceful behaviour… In Britain, no Muslim has the right to harm one hair of someone who decides to leave Islam."My own theory on how and why the trend has seen such an increase in recent years comes partly from Sofia's own statement of how "...attitudes have hardened over the past decade." The "past decade" has seen not only a swelling of the Muslim population in Britain, but a concomitant trend among the British government--and, indeed, large segments of British society--to bow and scrape to the more extreme Muslims while at the same time prosecuting for "hate speech" those who speak out against Muslim extremism. Another concurrent trend has been one of repressing British national identity, culture and traditions out of fear of "offending" those of other cultures and faiths.
Inayat Bunglawala, also a spokesman for the MCB, insists that such behaviour in Britain is "awful and quite wrong. The police should crack down on it."
[ ... ]
The reluctance to condemn sharia law is widespread. I asked Mr Bunglawala, for instance, to condemn the Islamic states that imposed the death penalty for apostasy. He did not do so, merely commenting that "it was a matter for those states".
The combination of these three makes for a "perfect storm" in which a minority feels emboldened and entitled to do as they see fit, while the majority frets over what to do about it.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Boxing: Nothing but a Vegas show
Over here in the UK (I head back home in the morning), tomorrow night's welterweight fight between Floyd Mayweather and Brit Ricky Hatton is 24x7 news.
I just caught live the weigh-in for the fight, and, as is de rigeur for these events, the two faced each other with noses touching trying to look like the biggest bad-asses they can be. It's all show, and it's no coincidence that all the big fights take place in Las Vegas, home of Cirque du Soleil, Blue Man Group, Celine Dion and all the other glitzy shows.
Just once, I'd like to see two boxers in a pre-bout hype event high five each other and say, "Hey, how the hell ya doin'?".
I just caught live the weigh-in for the fight, and, as is de rigeur for these events, the two faced each other with noses touching trying to look like the biggest bad-asses they can be. It's all show, and it's no coincidence that all the big fights take place in Las Vegas, home of Cirque du Soleil, Blue Man Group, Celine Dion and all the other glitzy shows.
Just once, I'd like to see two boxers in a pre-bout hype event high five each other and say, "Hey, how the hell ya doin'?".
Hump de hump
Seven swans a-swimming
'They are following Islam to the word'
The British-born daughter of a Pakistani imam is living in fear for her life after she converted to Christianity. She's moved 45 times in an effort to dodge death threats from her own family.
The daughter of a British imam is living under police protection after receiving death threats from her father for converting to Christianity.Indeed.
The 31-year-old, whose father is the leader of a mosque in Lancashire, has moved house an astonishing 45 times after relatives pledged to hunt her down and kill her.
The British-born university graduate, who uses the pseudonym Hannah for her own safety, said she renounced the Muslim faith to escape being forced into an arranged marriage when she was 16.
[ ... ]
Last night the woman said: "I'm determined to live my life the way I want to because I should have that freedom in this country.
"If you make the choice to come to this country, as my parents did from Pakistan, you have to abide by the laws of this country and that means respecting the freedoms of other people.
"I know the Koran says anyone who goes away from Islam should be killed as an apostate, so in some ways my family are following the Koran. They are following Islam to the word."
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
International media: Iran nuclear program all rainbows and cuddly puppies
I really need to stop watching CNN International when I'm traveling in Europe. Since the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) regarding Iran's allegedly non-weaponized nuclear program was released, CNN-I has been trumpeting it in a manner to suggest that anyone who was concerned about Iran's programs is a Chicken Little. That Iran has been enriching uranium at an alarming rate is completely immaterial in their eyes.
Absent from any of these reports is any reference to Iran's Hizballah connections. Of course, to say that Iran is merely "connected" to Hizballah (or Hezbollah, depending on one's preferred spelling) is trivializing the fact that Hizballah is a creation of Iran and is beholden to Iran in the same way that organized labor is beholden to the Democratic party.
I'd almost feel more comfortable if Iran stated they were enriching uranium to build nuclear warheads. As it is, one might assume they're doing it so they can pass it to Hizballah for use in dirty bombs.
Absent from any of these reports is any reference to Iran's Hizballah connections. Of course, to say that Iran is merely "connected" to Hizballah (or Hezbollah, depending on one's preferred spelling) is trivializing the fact that Hizballah is a creation of Iran and is beholden to Iran in the same way that organized labor is beholden to the Democratic party.
I'd almost feel more comfortable if Iran stated they were enriching uranium to build nuclear warheads. As it is, one might assume they're doing it so they can pass it to Hizballah for use in dirty bombs.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Bizarre news item of the day
Am I the only one who finds it odd that Victoria's Secret has a plant in a country where women would be killed for wearing their goods?
A workers-rights group says a Jordanian subcontractor that makes clothing for Victoria's Secret is abusing workers, cheating them of wages and imprisoning them.Victoria's Secret skankwear (not that there's anything wrong with that), made in Jordan. Who knew?
Czar Putin
Christiane Amanpour takes a justifiable beating in the 'sphere for her energetic apologies for radical Islam, but I'm sort of half-watching a special she's got on CNN International right now entitled Czar Putin. It's surprisingly critical and expository of Vladimir Putin's thuggery in running neo-Soviet Russia. If you missed it and it's repeated, it's worth watching.
With Putin's party's victory in Sunday's election, we can surely look forward to an emboldened Putin throwing his weight around even more, within Russia and without.
You can take the boy out of the KGB, but you can't take the KGB out of the boy.
With Putin's party's victory in Sunday's election, we can surely look forward to an emboldened Putin throwing his weight around even more, within Russia and without.
You can take the boy out of the KGB, but you can't take the KGB out of the boy.
In your face, Hugo!
Slim though the margin may have been, Venezuelan democracy got a stay of execution in the defeat of commie thug Hugo Chavez's constitutional reforms.
Since we can assume the Chavistas engaged in voting shenanigans at all levels, the actual margin was probably much wider.
Since we can assume the Chavistas engaged in voting shenanigans at all levels, the actual margin was probably much wider.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Bhutto: Foreign intervention in tribal areas OK?
If the Islamist freakazoids running Pakistan's tribal areas didn't like Pervez Musharraf, they might really hate Benazir Bhutto:
"If Pakistan has no control in the tribal areas, then tomorrow foreign forces can come there," Bhutto said in the northwestern city of Peshawar, a stronghold of religious parties. She was apparently referring to U.S. and NATO forces operating on the Afghan side of the border.Win-win.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
A teddy bear named Mohammed
I won't swear that this will be my last post on the Great Teddy Bear Jihad, and it's probably not.
A blog post over at the Telegraph elicited the following comment from a reader:
I've heard it said that the difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate one is that while the radical is eager to lop off your head, the moderate is content to sit back and watch. I'm beginning to wonder if that's not indeed the case.
I'm leaving today for a week in the UK, and I'll be interested to see what the attitude is like "on the ground" over there.
A blog post over at the Telegraph elicited the following comment from a reader:
There is more behind this'Marker' brings up a good point. Even in Sudan's eyes, this whole situation must seem silly. At least I hope so. While it's endlessly pointed out to us that the freakazoids like those who make up al Qaeda and the Taliban represent a "tiny minority" of Muslims, there exists a sizable majority of Muslims who wholeheartedly embrace the worst of Islam's more repellent "values".
Marker 01 Dec 2007 12:04
The plight of Gillian Gibbons (Teddy Bear named Mohammad) has provoked condemnation from all and sundry but the pundits have yet to mention the real nature of her problem. She is white, educated, female, immodestly dressed, and an infidel. She educates children instead of having them learn the Quran by rote. In a sharia state this is an insufferable provocation.
It is not just the teddy bear. In that country her very existence is an insult to the faithful. The bear is probably the last straw or the excuse needed for action.
I've heard it said that the difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate one is that while the radical is eager to lop off your head, the moderate is content to sit back and watch. I'm beginning to wonder if that's not indeed the case.
I'm leaving today for a week in the UK, and I'll be interested to see what the attitude is like "on the ground" over there.
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