Tuesday, February 13, 2007

American jihadi

An American by the name of Daniel Joseph Maldanado has been arrested in Somalia while receiving terrorist training from al Qaeda.
An American citizen charged with receiving terrorist training at an Al Qaeda camp in Somalia — including classes in how to become a homicide bomber [Fox News-ese for 'suicide bomber' --ed.] and "wage violent jihad" — was taken into custody by FBI agents and returned to the U.S. Monday night night, Justice Department officials told FOX News.
Which of course begs the question: Just how much training does one actually need to become a suicide bomber? I mean, it's not much harder than putting on a jacket and walking into a pizzeria, right?

1 comment:

Eric said...

When posting about something like this, it's common practice to provide a link to the story to which you refer. I believe this is it.