Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Uh, dude...you gonna smoke that, or what?

Who says you can't take it with you?
An ancient Caucasian people, probably the Indo-European-speaking Yuezhi whose fair-haired mummies keep turning up in Xinjiang province, seem to have buried one of their shamans with a whopping 789 grams of high-potency pot 2,700 years ago.

That's about 28 ounces of killer green bud, worth perhaps $8,000 at today's street prices, and enough to keep Harold and Kumar happy for a couple of days.
No word on whether the tomb reeked of patchouli.


Anonymous said...

Uh, dude, watch out for the shrivel effect of mummy dope, ya know? What momma always done 'tol me, anyways...

Mark said...

Of course, it's a European bringing dope to the Asians...

More proof that all of today's ills are the result of dead Europeans. You know it's true. Ayers, Rosie O'Donnel and Ward Churchill say so.