Friday, January 25, 2008

The Ron Paul Book Club

A light post to round out a week of light posting due to the burdens of business travel.

I was having a last smoke outside the terminal before catching my flight this morning out of San Francisco, and there was a guy there reading a book. I glanced down at his laptop bag and noticed a "Ron Paul 2008" button pinned to it.

Oh...the book he was reading? The Zombie Survival Guide.


Tyler said...

I love San Francisco. I don't like the people who live there. I think you see why. I got the Super Tuesday CA ballot today in the mail, and just love all the people who dropped out are still listed, including Fred.

Eric said...

Yeah, San Fran is a great town in spite of the barking moonbat infestation.

And if Fred's still on the ballot when VA has its primary (which isn't until after Super Tuesday), I'll be voting for him.