Monday, August 27, 2007

Sea piracy ends well for sailors

I posted back in June about the Danish ship Danica White which was hijacked off the coast of Somalia and five of her sailors held for ransom by the pirates.

The story ended well for the five sailors and their families, but not so well for Danish prestige in dealing with piracy.
An 83-day nightmare is over for five Danish sailors whose ship was taken hostage by Somalian pirates after the ship’s owner paid an undisclosed sum for its release.

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The pirates originally demanded DKK 8 million for the ship’s release, but its owners, H. Folmer & Co of Copenhagen, had indicated they were only willing to pay DKK 1.9 million. Neither Folmer & Co nor the Foreign Ministry would comment on the final amount paid.
No matter. Nothing changes the fact that these dirtbags profited from an act of sea piracy and got away with it unchallenged.

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