Friday, January 13, 2006

Illiberal Liberals

When is a liberal not a liberal? All the time, I guess. A Washington Post article this morning validates my theory that today's conservatives are the real liberals, while the liberals of today are really just fascists with a socialist veneer.

The article covers the forced politeness of the residents of Seattle, Washington in the context of the upcoming playoff game between the Washington Redskins and Seattle Seahawks. This line, to me, really says it all:
To Raban, the city's eagerness to legislate nice behavior suggests what he calls "the deep authoritarianism of the liberal mind." He added: "Liberals like to think they are on the side of liberty, but actually they are on the side of authority."
It's pretty ironic, when you think about it. Today's lefties constantly hurl epithets like "fascist" and "Nazi" at conservatives, when in reality, it's the left constantly cramming new legislation down our throats regulating every aspect of our lives.

To be sure, there are religious conservatives on the right who advocate over-reaching legislation on morality issues. But it's generally not the right devising things like hate-crime (read; thought-crime) legislation or college campus rules muzzling non-PC speech.

Today's conservative (I refuse to use the "neo-con" label, but I'm willing to entertain the use of "neo-lib"), believes in free trade, limited government and equal opportunity (and responsibility) for all. We recognize there's no constitutional protection against being offended, and just want everyone to quit whining and assume responsibility for their own well-being. We believe the constitution guarantees us the freedom to pursue happiness, but that the attainment of it is our problem to solve, and not that of the government.

So tonight at happy hour, raise a glass and toast the dawning of the age of neo-liberalism.


Rancher said...

That is not right think! You must report to your nearest government office for re-education and sensitivity training! Have a good day.

Eric said...

Oh, yeah...when I see incoherent babbling like this, I know I've struck a nerve and must be doing something right!

Anonymous said...

One paragraph of idiocy.

"For 5+ years BushCo has controlled ALL 3 branches of government"

Wait, I thought that the Supreme Court was going to become "right-wing" when Alito was confirmed. Go back to civics class, then maybe we can have a serious discussion.

"and STILL can't accomplish SQUAT. BushCo spend"

"Spend"? I think you mean "spends", dolt. Try MASTERING the English language before going off in an incoherent rant.

"ALL his time TRYING to accumulate more and more power when he can't even use what he already has, becuase"

"becuase"? It's "because", jackass.

he is without doubt the worst Prez in the histry of the nation.

A person that can't correctly spell "because" and "history" sure as hell isn't well versed in many subjects, including history and the Constitution.

Nice job, Eric. Da, you've been a bad moonbat, bad! No organically grown weed for you!

Rancher said...


Are you saying leftist don’t call us Nazis on a regular basis? That there is no Bush Hitler BS thrown about? What are YOU smoking? I don’t know if any Dems actually said he was a racist but that is the brush they were trying to tar him with by bringing up the CAP article. In the tradition of Stalin they tried to convict him by guilt by association. I don’t for a minute believe you are so naive not to realize this so I think you are being a bit disingenuous here. States rights are fine up to a certain point. I can’t comment on the Oregon case because I’m not familiar with it. Your party however is equally against states rights when it comes to abortion so get off your high horse. Good quote from Franklin, a man I greatly admire. Here’s a few from our Republican leader Lincoln whom I also admire. “ Are all the laws, but one, to go unexecuted, and the government itself to go to pieces, lest that one be violated” and "If all do not join now to save the good old ship of the Union this voyage nobody will have a chance to pilot her on another voyage." In other words, if there is no United States then of what use is our adherence to principle. How many rights do you think you will have under Sharia? “your Conservatives want to give up all our privacy rights…” No, just your right to communicate with known Al Quida operatives without us listening in. “ Conservatives want to tell everyone who can have sex with who ... “ WTF? “Conservatives want to tell women they have no right to choose an abortion …”. No, if a state or even the country feels murder of innocent unborn babies is legal then it should come as a popular vote from the people rather than Judges legislating from the bench by finding “rights” in the Constitution that don’t exist. “Conservatives want to tell ALL of us that we can't celebrate anything but "Christmas”. Again WTF? Link please? Conservatives cash Social Security checks each and every day while TALKING a lotta smack about "entitlement programs". That is OUR money confiscated by the government from OUR checks each payday! Can you say FICA? I knew you couldn’t. I grow tired of this, let me just close by saying that your logic is flawed but if you truly wish any other of your ridiculous leftist talking points debated comment here again and maybe I will gather the energy to shoot them down also.
