Monday, June 02, 2008

Neo-Soviet Russia abandons brief flirtation with freedom

Neo-Soviets to gay demonstrators: Nyet!

A gay rights demonstration in Moscow was quickly put down in what's becoming an increasingly familiar theme in Russia.
Russia's gay rights movement faces oblivion after riot police and the Orthodox Church joined forces to stifle a protest in Moscow.

Yuri Luzkhov, Moscow's mayor, had already banned the city's third Gay Pride march after dismissing homosexuals as Satanists.

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The manner in which the demonstrations were held reflects the Kremlin's increasing intolerance for all forms of public protest.

Political demonstrations in the past two years have been stamped on by the police with increasing brutality.
The government there today is pretty much like the one there pre-1990 or so, but without all the catchy slogans and red banners.

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